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  • Analysis 2/2020: Sugar Tax is a Tax on the Poor

    Analysis 2/2020: Sugar Tax is a Tax on the Poor | 2020-03-11

    The government draft bill on an additional tax on beverages sweetened with sugar and sweeteners, as well as those containing caffeine and taurine, was passed by the Sejm by the votes of the Law and Justice and the Leftist party. It now awaits further work in the Senate.

    • FOR Communication 5/2020: Proceedings before the Constitutional Court on the Dispute of Competence: a Path to Further Destruction of the Rule of Law

      FOR Communication 5/2020: Proceedings before the Constitutional Court on the "Dispute of Competence": a Path to Further Destruction of the Rule of Law | 2020-03-05

      On 15 January 2020, the First President of the Supreme Court, Professor Małgorzata Gersdorf, submitted a motion to remove the discrepancies in the interpretation of the provisions, occurring in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, in connection with the legal status of judges appointed by virtue of the pseudo-NCJ (National Council of the Judiciary) appointments. This motion was to be considered in the composition of the three joint Chambers of the Supreme Court: Civil, Criminal and Labor and Social Security Chambers.
